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Richard Bellis MA in Scoring Tutor

We are delighted to let you know about two events of great interest to all composers out there taking place this coming weekend, both involving Award winning composer and tutor on our MA in Scoring for Film & Visual Media program, Richard Bellis!

These events are a collaboration between Pulse College and our MA in Scoring for FIlm & Visual Media program, Irish Music Rights Organisation (IMRO) and Screen Training Ireland and are targeted at composers, songwriters, directors & Musicians who wish to know more about music in film!


Saturday 4th October from 4-6pm – “Music for Film Seminar & Networking Event”

This takes place at the National Digital Research Centre.  Speakers include Richard Bellis (Emmy award winning composer and tutor on our MA in Scoring program) and Derek Gleeson (MA in Scoring Course Director), alongside Victor Finn (CEO IMRO) and James Hickey (Chief Executive of The Irish Film Board. This seminar will explore all aspects of music for film, including sourcing original music, working with composers, artists, songwriters and legal issues in regard to music in film.


Sunday 5th October – “Scoring for Film & Visual Media Workshop with Richard Bellis”

This takes pace at IMRO HQ, Copyright House, Pembroke Row, Dublin. Richard Bellis will explore concepts such as creativity on a deadline, challenges faced by today’s composers, and the core creative processes behind scoring.


Please apply directly with Screen Training Ireland for both events. Further details contact



Pulse College is also running an Live Online Q&A Google Hangout event next Wednesday 8th October with Pulse College tutors and students to launch 2015 enrolment on both our MA in Scoring for Film & Visual Media and BA (Hons) in Music Production programs! If you have an interest in studying with Ireland’s leading educators in creative media, you will not want to miss this event! Find out more info on this by clicking here

If you would like more info on the MA in Scoring for Film & Visual Media program, contact us at
Phone – 01-478 4045
ProspectusClick Here



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