global game jam pulse college dublin ireland

Pulse College Dublin and Galway campuses were delighted to host the Global Game Jam, 29-31st January, making up 2 of the 5 locations where it took place in Ireland!

The Global Game Jam is a worldwide event where thousands of games developers world wide spend 48 hours creating a game. Pulse College had attendees from our Full & Part-Time Game Development courses, alumnus and members of the local GamesDev community take part and some amazing games were developed by some very tired developers!

Check out the video below, as we documented the entire 48 hours at our Dublin Games & Animation Campus!

Check out more of the pictures, videos and posts across social media by visiting our storify page!

Games Development Courses at Pulse College

To discover more about the range of Games Design & Development courses on offer at Pulse College simply click here or come along to one of our next Open Days at our Dublin and Galway campuses.


